Deep Blue

Deep Blue 14×18 acrylic on canvas SOLD

14″ x 18 ” acrylic, modeling paste and gold leaf on canvas SOLD

Small painting, long story.  It was one of two paintings I dreamed of, in the wee hours of the morning the day after I have been to the Hearst Castle . The indoor pool of the castle, the dark azure blue, that got darker in deeper areas, was a dream itself. There were so many different shades of blue that I was hoping my camera would capture a few of them accurately so I could use it as a reference – and it came out as I saw it!

I used gold leaf in other painting before and in this one it just made so much more sense. The tiles you would walk over next to the indoor pool of the Castle were covered with gold – gold framed by deep azure blue – a dream – just thinking about it makes me happy. The color combination just works so well for me and resonates at the core with what I like. I dreamed of paintings before but this time it matches what I saw in the dream almost entirely. Maybe, because it is so small, only 14″ x 18″ ( in fact it is the smallest I have ever done ), prevented me from going astray, something that usually would happen if I work longer on a painting than the impression, it generated from, is able to have an effect on me.

Change IS a proof of the liveliness of things – this applies to me as a person as it does to the process I have my hands on. One could say that the products of your Self are  alive for the time they are created or occupy your mind – I don’t know if they could stop being alive at one point then. For example, even the paintings I overpainted are still on my mind at times. Maybe there is simply no end to things? Okay, this last paragraph is most likely to be edited in the future – the bridge isn’t holding yet. What are your thoughts on change?

I start treating blog posts like my paintings, I discovered ( the befriending of the “edit” word and the freedom that comes with it . Another interesting note is that I re-wrote the second half of this post and ended up somewhere completely different  – oh beauty of change ).

Take a moment and embrace!

Have a fantastic night!